The 5 essentials steps before you create Facebook Ads

What if you don't even need to run Facebook Ads?

Ever felt the pain, frustration, the sense of overwhelm when trying to build your business but not show how?

 25 years ago, I started my career as a Software Developer.  As I climbed the career ladder to Software Engineer, Software Architect, Product Manager, Product Owner and on and on, I was fascinated by the way people would sell.

An early mentor once told me "Work dissolves in the hands of experts"

Hi, my name is Christian Payne and I work with entrepreneurs and business owners to create, build and grow your business online.

What if we took away the  F.U.D.

(Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt)?

We've all seen those Facebook & YouTube ads with outrageous claims.  Some of its true, some of it's B.S.

Which is which and how can you tell?

What if I said there was a process you could follow?

And that process addresses your fears & emotions.  We look at the early success signs, we look at your technology.

And this process tells you step by step, not only what to do.  But what to do if you get stuck?

In the mid 90's earliy in my career

I saw products like YouTube, Twitter, GMail and Google Maps take off.  Software Developers at the time claimed "I could write that", "that's easy, I can do that"...

What I found was interesting was the way these companies promoted & sold their products and services.

It's the classic self-development line:

success leaves clues

Over time, I started seeing patterns.

*WARNING* At this point, here's where people like me try and trigger your emotional scarcity.

Maybe you don't know what is a good sales page?

Maybe you know what you want, but you have that nagging voice in the back of your mind screaming at you on how you'll fail?

Maybe you think "that could never work in my business because..."

You wish someone would tell you exactly which steps to take — the exact order to take them in

— so you can grow you business without fail.

What I found was interesting was the way these companies promoted & sold their products and services.

It's the classic self-development line:

success leaves clues

Over time, I started seeing patterns.

Module 1 - It's a contact sport

  • What is a touch point and how many do I need?
  • How do you address Trust / Privacy / Spam?
  • How do you find out the exact language & questions your audience is asking?

Module 2 - Mindset

  • What to do when that voice says you can't / shouldn't / won't?  (HINT:  Smashing through it never works!!!)
  • Identify the (correct) order on what you should work on and when.  For your business!  (Not someone else)
  • Find out exactly what Facebook / LinkedIn / Pintrest want.  (HINT:  It's not your money...)
  • How do the experts (like me 😉) sell to you and how not to get caught up in their time-wasting traps.
  • Why is competition essential and how will it help grow your business?

Module 3 - KPI's 

(Key Performance Indicators)

  • When we want to (seriously) lose weight, why do we buy scales?
  • What are the essential metrics you should start tracking today?
  • What are the metrics you should stop tracking right now?
  • What are *good* metrics?

Module 4 - What the Tech?

  • How can you find a solution to *any* technical problem you have?
  • What's the bare minimum you'll need to get your business online and running?
  • What is a realistic budget for the first 12 months?
  • Automation - when and how should you automate your business

Module 5 - Tracking

  • What is tracking and why is it important?
  • Can't I just wait until I go live?
  • How do you find people with the same profile as your existing customers?

Are you ready to take action and get started?


When you enroll you'll get:

  1. 1
    Instant access: it's always a good idea to have a visual representation of your product. It makes it more tangible and more "real" in your reader's mind.
  2. 2
    List Element
  3. 3
    List Element
Product Name
Product Name

What People Are Saying About Our Solution

“I came to Christian feeling completely lost in my business having gained little traction in my marketing”

In less than an hour, I gained incredible perspective and clarity on why my messaging wasn't working, how to make it more impactful and started to consider personal branding, something I'd never previously put any thought into. I left the session with clarity, a new sense of direction and a few action steps to propel me forward. Thank you, Christian!

- Lifestyle Coach

Welcome to the Main Purchase Section

Here we have a highly attractive purchase section. We display another paragraph of text, which is a strong call to action to your readers. In addition, we have a product image, unmissable large button and some guarantee and safety symbols.

Product Name
Product Name

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

A Few More Testimonials to Prove it Works for Real People

“Keep displaying testimonials for social proof."

“Here, we have a second testimonials section, right after the purchase section. Now that we've asked the reader to pull the trigger, they might feel some resistance and testimonials can help reassure them.”

We like to do what many others have done already. There's safety in numbers. Testimonials can be used to give your visitor that sense of safety.

Shane Melaugh
- Job Title or Role

“Pick the right kinds of testimonials to show here..."

“If you have any testimonials that include stories of how a customer had some doubts about your product, but was then won over by the high quality, your friendly support etc. those are perfect for displaying in this area of the sales page."

Samantha Allen
- Job Title or Role
Shane Melaugh

Creator of [Product Name]

About the Author

When selling online, it's easy to forget that people prefer buying things from other people. If there's any element of personal branding in your product, use this section to write a few paragraphs about yourself.

Keep it short, as this page is about your product, not your life story. But a few personal details mentioned here can help build rapport with your reader. It's a reminder that there's a real, trustworthy person behind this product and they aren't buying from a faceless corporation.

It's Time to Start Addressing Your Visitor's Last-Minute Objections

After the first call to action, use testimonials, case studies, more points lists and more text blocks to address all possible objections your visitors may have. Knowing these objections is very important... and you can learn all about them by talking to your customers and visitors. Give them a way to communicate with you and you'll quickly learn what's on your reader's mind as she goes through this page.

This part of the sales page can be a lot longer than it is in this template. There may be many objections that come up and you can address them all. If you dedicate a separate text block or a sub-heading to each one, your visitors can easily find the ones they have on their minds and skip the rest.

Use Sub-Headings Before Every Major Objection You Address

People are risk averse. We dread making a mistake and wasting our time and money on something that turns out to be rubbish. This is the part of the sales page where you can appease all those worries. One of the most important things you must learn about people in your market is what kinds of objections they have, so that you can effectively address them here.

Advantages vs Disadvantages

Here's a section that you can use for many purposes. For example, you can use it to showcase how your solution is better than other solutions out there. Or, compare the problems your reader is facing right now with the great solutions they'll enjoy once they purchase.

The Pros List

  • Proin arcu nulla, varius sit amet ligula ut, porta convallis dui.
  • Nullam feugiat est porta, semper felis iaculis, luctus nisi.
  • Aliquam ac ipsum convallis, dignissim lacus ut, maximus enim.
  • Phasellus nec arcu non augue egestas
  • Duis accumsan, dui et semper

The Cons List

  • Proin arcu nulla, varius sit amet ligula ut, porta convallis dui.
  • Nullam feugiat est porta, semper felis iaculis, luctus nisi.
  • Aliquam ac ipsum convallis, dignissim lacus ut, maximus enim.
  • Phasellus nec arcu non augue egestas
  • Duis accumsan, dui et semper
Product Name
Product Name

Here's a "What You Get" Section (Plus the Second Call to Purchase)

  • Vivamus si​​​​t amet lacus eu odio lacinia efficitur venenatis quis tellus. Ut eget
  • Sed egestas diam vel iaculis dapibus.
  • Fusce tortor lorem, fringilla et tortor
  • Pellentesque non facilisis purus, id
  • Facilisis purus, id lorem ipsum ultrices
  • Ultrices erat nubia nostra himenaeos.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't get [a specific benefit that your product promises] by [a specific span of time in which you guarantee your product to yield results], just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why add an FAQ section like this?

How about adding a contact link?

What about exit intent lightboxes?

What questions belong here?

Have you tried a chat widget?

Answer questions, save space.

P.S.: Welcome to the post script section of the page. You can have one or several of these. This part is all about loss aversion. Here is where you can remind your reader that if they don't jump on this opportunity right now they will be missing out.

After the post scripts, use the link below to link to your purchase section or the checkout page.

Copyright - Phase Two Digital
