Eugene Schwartz was a copywriter who is considered to be one of the best in history. He wrote a book called “Breakthrough Advertising” which is regarded as the holy grail of copywriting books.
One of his core concepts is that there were 5 levels of awareness:
- Unaware
- Problem aware
- Solution aware
- Product aware
- Most aware
In this short post, I’ll break open each level of awareness and how Schwartz might have addressed the copywriting for each one.
Unaware: This is when a person doesn’t know that they need something, or they don’t understand why it’s important to them. They may believe their existing situation is all there is.
Problem Aware: A problem aware individual understands what the issue is, but doesn’t know how to solve it.
Solution Aware: A solution aware individual has been shown the way out, but they need a little nudge in that direction for something beyond their comfort zone. They know what needs to be done, and they’re willing to do it.
Product Aware: Customers who are product aware have seen your message before – they know who you are and that your product / service can help them
They just need a reminder…
Most Aware: A person who is Most Aware is ready to go. The next step is the logistics (i.e. taking payment, product delivery, scheduling an appointment etc.)
While there’s no more “convincing”, you still need to know what you are doing. They like you, they want you. Generally they will be polite & respectful, but they really want to get going.
If you don’t hold their hand and take them across the line, they will go elsewhere.

This is an example of a post for either Unaware or a Problem aware customer. “Do you have lactose intolerance or just don’t want to eliminate dairy products and milk proteins?”
The ad copy takes you to Solution Aware and then Product Aware: “With the help of this supplement that’s no longer necessary!“
What I find interesting is that it doesn’t cover the final step – Most Aware. How do I buy this?
Jackie Swift is a copywriter and follows these steps well.
If we pull her ad apart, she goes from Unaware or Problem Aware: “I can close 50-70% of the sales calls I take.Normally, I’m closing $10k+ offers (they have to be good offers, of course) to cold audiences on behalf of my clients (which means my clients are off doing something OTHER than selling). “
Its a bold statement, challenging the reader – can you close 50 – 70%?
Solution Aware & Product Aware: “To prove that my methods for selling are better than the “hardcore closer” approach, I have a unique challenge for you here today. I’m selling my best performing “Authenticity Selling Script” for just a couple of bucks.“
And she finishes nicely for Most Aware: “Click here or anywhere on this ad, and put my script to the test.“

How can we apply this to ourselves?
If you are struggling with what to write, or if theres a particular section of your copy that’s not working out – this can be a great way to make it much more natural.
Reread some of your own posts, articles and/or ads. Did you cover all 5 steps?
While its not essential to address all 5, you can see in the examples above, its not complicated and it feels quite natural.