A friend of mine forwarded me this link: https://answerthepublic.com
The conectp is simple. Their tag line –
Discover what people are asking about
You enter a term, and it returns ~50 or so questions people are asking on that topic.
Sounds great right? And this sort of tool is perfect if you are looking for new concepts, new angles, new ideas.
Here’s an example: Goal Setting

Some great ideas:
- Is goal setting important
- how goal setting and time management are interrelated
- how can goal setting help learners
What is missing is quantification. Who is searching for these terms? How many times are people searching for this? When did they search for this?
Keyword Research
If we try the same example with a Keyword Research tool (I use KWFinder, but there are others)
- a goal without a plan is just a wish (9,000 people per month)
- family goals (12,000 per month)
- smart goal examples (60,000 people per month)
That means the specific term – smart goal examples had 60,000 people in June enter this exact phrase.
Social Media Post ideas for Business
So which should you use?
Tools like Answer the Public are great for ideas, but struggle with real, measurable results
Keyword Research Tools like KWFinder are at showing measurable results, but can be complicated to learn
Tools like Answer the Public can be great for getting ideas, but they don’t always provide real and measurable results.
Keyword research tools are a better option because with these you’ll see quantifiable data points about your target audience’s search habits. However, KWFinder is an advanced tool and can be difficult to learn for a first timer.