We all have those colleagues who are just different. Hard working, high-energy, and are a “go-getter.” However, they can be difficult to work with and a challenge to manage. Here are four tips for coaching these employees in a way that will motivate them and help them achieve their goals:
What do you want?
First and foremost, you’re in charge. You’re calling the shots (not them) – what do you want?
If you aren’t in the drivers seat, then they are. And they’ll generally meet their needs first, above your or the business.
Kill the Unicorns.
Second – Get rid of the Unicorns. Unicorns are different to High Performers. Unicorns are those staff members who somehow are the only one who can do the task. Somehow they have twisted and squeezed themselves into a role where they are the only one who can perform that job. Short term this is fine, longer term its a recipe for disaster.

Get the best out of your High Performer
Third – What makes a High Performer thrive? (Note: they quite often don’t know the answer to this!) Is it the tools (a new laptop), is it the environment (chair, desk etc) is it the background noise? Regardless, make it happen.
Ready to listen, quick to respond
Last – Be ready to listen and quick to respond. They don’t need to be micro-managed (their results should be fine, otherwise they aren’t a high performer) and they don’t need you hovering over them. But they will voice their concerns. Be quick and ready to respond. You don’t have to agree or do what they say (remember point #1) but you do need to respond in a timely manner.
Bonus points – strap in! Some people feel quite threatened and intimidated by a high performer. Their quick actions, strong results and high energy can make some feel uncomfortable. Don’t take it personal.
Meet the energy head on. Call their bluff. High Performers are a nice to have, but never ever essential (if that’s the case, you have a Unicorn)
You got this!